The Cultivation of Home Ownership and The One Man who Spread the Seeds Furthest.

AM 570 Podcast

Column from The Wave

The cultivation of home ownership and the one man who spread the seeds furthest.

Perfection doesn’t exist in this world. Some would say that even attempting to achieve it is a fruitless and foolish endeavor. Anyone who would expect perfection, from either themselves or others, during contemporary times or from other points in history, is absolutely mad and entirely devoid of logic and reason. Despite these truths, the irrational among us continue to expect it from themselves, the future and from those who’ve come before us.

Western Civilization has delivered mankind from a cruel and wholly unfair world where individual rights and liberty simply didn’t exist. Love it or hate it, the European culture, with all of its influences from neighboring civilizations, is what the modern and developed world subscribes to. Volumes can be written on the advancements and achievements of Western Civilization but the essence can be found in the simple yet profound concept of individual liberty. Land ownership allows the concept of liberty to transition from a mere philosophical thought to a tangible possession.

The origins of individual land ownership can be traced directly back to Ancient Rome. Further development of this entirely revolutionary concept occurred throughout Europe during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods. The fearless, self-educated European navigator and explorer, Cristoforo Colombo, blazed the trail that ultimately allowed the expansion of Western Civilization to the rest of the world and thereby improved the global human experience in immeasurable ways. What he encountered was a barely developed land with a primitive population of earlier colonizers who descended mostly from Asia and traversed the Bearing Straight about 15,000 years prior to his arrival.

Historians have a habit of tweaking things to make them more palatable to their audience. Just as Cristoforo Colombo’s name was changed to sound more Anglican, his undeniably extraordinary achievements are now being molded to fit the contemporary times in which we live. Any attack on Columbus today is an affront to Western Civilization and the culture of individual liberty that it represents. Anyone who today lives the “American Dream” while sleeping in a house that they own, that sits on a plot of land that they possess, owes their security and peace of mind to Western Civilization and Columbus for expanding its horizons. But instead of honoring both his life and his achievements, the present day Western Civilians, with their minds thoroughly infected by the devious teachings of the socialist Karl Marx, weigh Columbus, and his achievements, against a basis of perfection in an attempt to cancel Columbus and Western Civilization. Modern day Marxists are on a mission to destroy Western Civilization, and liberty, by socializing everything. Liberty is under attack and as a result home ownership and property rights are at risk. While our culture enables individuals like Marx to be heard, and his foolish followers to espouse his bankrupt teachings, it also affords us the ability to relegate them to the scrap heap of history where they belong. Columbus, on the other hand, deserves our admiration and appreciation for what he did during his lifetime to advance the spread of a culture that, albeit not perfect, makes it possible for individuals to live their best life on a piece of land that they earned through their labor.

The spread of Western Civilization continues to this day. Within the last 20 years, Communist China has gone from total government ownership of all real property to individual land and home ownership. Today, China is home to the world’s most booming housing market. Five hundred years later, Columbus, and Western Civilization, has finally reached Asia. We should be celebrating, not condemning, this achievement.


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